Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Coloring Outside the Box

Color pencils have commonly be used for the obvious, coloring. But artist, Jennifer Maestre, colors with these pencils in texture and creating 3-dimensional sculptures. She is inspired by the forms and colors of sea urchins and nature. The points of the pencils, yet dangerous and intimidating, also intrigue and captivate the admirer. This emulates the defense mechanisms of the sea urchins. Jennifer also uses both ends of the pencils, showing both the sharpness and smoothness.

The artist cuts hundreds of colored pencils into 1" sections and drills a small hole in each section. Jennifer then sharpens the pencils and begins sewing a pattern together using the peyote stitch technique. This technique allows her to create such flexible turns and curves, to give the natural organic look.

So, if you have sharpened your last colored pencil and down to the 1" nub, think outside the box and create something colorful!
to view other works www.jennifermaestre.com

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